Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SKYPE BLOG No.2: Make the best of it!

Many businesses found it very difficult to connect to clients, especially when they are international clients. Businesses need to worry about time differences, languages, or even traditions. Well, you might want to try skype. Most people know that Skype existed but they might not know how to make the best of it. Skype is actually a very useful tools for businesses if they know how to utilise it effectively.

Generally, just like other tools, it provide users with chat features, file transfer, making calls, video calls. Thus, all of the general features offer businesses useful tools that they can use. Therefore, there are some tips that I found that would pretty much help all those businesses make the best use of skype!

Do you know that Skype have Screen Sharing features?
Yes! they have Screen sharing feature, so in another word, when you are video calling, you can share your computer screen with another person whom you are talking to on the other side! By just right click and click "Share your screen"

How about Skype Extras? Just like other similar tools, Skype offer many plug-ins that users can download for example, call recorder, voicemail features etc. Some of the plug-ins also will ease your business when you seriously need team conferences. 

Skype also has Call forwarding! users can set up call forwarding feature on their skype, which you can set it to forward calls from your skype to your phone. Thus, this can easily be set up in "Tools" menu.

Sneaky on your employees much?Ok, there might be other use to it as well... this is obviously something you might want to consider, when there's no time, it's nearly deadline for the project! When you are overseas and suddenly you need to check out something at the office? Users can create two skype accounts and set one of the account as auto-answer any calls coming in and set it to start video calling automatically, then you can see what's going on.

Note that, this won't work if one of the account is not online... : ) 

The last tip is obviously something any businesses might want to consider, Skype = customer service tool? There's a feature called "Skype button" which allows customers to contact your company easily, and you can make this a customer support number!

Remember that this obviously help reduce a whole lot of costs. Hope you enjoy all these tips to enhance your Skype experiences. 

Next blog coming soon : )


Sunday, September 19, 2010

When Skype is coming to town!

Today's Blog = Skype

Skype Limited (partly owned by eBay) who provides a software that allow users to call each other using the internet. Which it can be used not only on PC, but also by phone, cellphone, and users can use skype to call landline as well at a cheaper rate. And, if you call PC via PC using skype, I'm pretty sure that video call is possible and it's free.

Although, skype is no doubt, a very convenient tool for us (especially international student like myself) to talk with our friends, or talk to our family overseas without having to pay as much as calling on the phone (unless your internet is very bad, you might prefer using the phone).

However, is skype useful for businesses at all?

As clever as any other social media tool, Skype executives found a way to attract business customers with offerings that they reckoned business customers would be willing to pay to use their services. So their offer came in packages which is similar to normal services but with extra to the package such as video conferencing, businesses directories etc.

Skype offer business what's called "Skype Manager" which is a business control panel that allow users to manager numbers, employees and accounts in one place. Thus, this helps businesses reduce costs and also by using this businesses do not need to use complicated phone systems which are difficult to manage.

Common way that I saw small businesses use skype with their businesses is how they use it to recruit the most suitable employee for their business. By using skype they can reduce costs  of having to call so many candidate and make appointment with them etc etc. With skype they can do interview online! So if you actually search in google or youtube, I'm sure there are many interesting interview clips to watch : )

If you are interested in what Skype could do for biz, check out this link, there's video on Skype manager!

Skype Manager Video

But! the more exciting thing is that, there's a rumour going around that there might be partnership happening with Facebook and Skype.

Think what if that really happens! : ) OK, so if that happens, we would be able to connect directly with our friends and family using facebook via skype services (sms, call, video call, straight on facebook!) or we could log into skype using facebook accounts which is very convenience to those who do not have skype account. Imagine businesses talking directly with customers as now they are actually interacting with their customers on facebook already!

Skype can totally expand their users circle and what more can we not love about Facebook? (Oops! except this might bring up a bit of new-old privacy issues? who know), but for me it would be great, as not many people love facebook chat features, at least I don't.

So let's see what happens between these two! Next blog coming soon on how small biz can effectively utilise skype as their strategic tool!'

Thanks for reading : )



Friday, September 10, 2010

How "energetic" can we get?

It's been a while, this blog would probably be another quick one.
As a student, I'm sure you are familiar with the word "assignment", and at this time of the semester...
Most of us are currently in "assignment crisis".

Anyhow, one of the assignment I need to do is an instructional video either about social media tool or how a brand uses social media.

Therefore, I and my friend Mr.Teacup, we paired up and decided to make a video about how "Red Bull" uses social media.

So below is the youtube link to the video. We'd really appreciate any feedback, comments, suggestions
: )
Or only if you view it and laugh...LOL....

I had fun making it, I'm sure Mr.Teacup did as well....(I hope).
Some of other interesting videos are now up on youtube,
which all were suppose to be related to e-marketing, which if you search youtube by "mkf3881" as keyword, I'm sure you'd find many of them very interesting.

Well, enjoy the video, another blog should be up soon

: )