Friday, September 10, 2010

How "energetic" can we get?

It's been a while, this blog would probably be another quick one.
As a student, I'm sure you are familiar with the word "assignment", and at this time of the semester...
Most of us are currently in "assignment crisis".

Anyhow, one of the assignment I need to do is an instructional video either about social media tool or how a brand uses social media.

Therefore, I and my friend Mr.Teacup, we paired up and decided to make a video about how "Red Bull" uses social media.

So below is the youtube link to the video. We'd really appreciate any feedback, comments, suggestions
: )
Or only if you view it and laugh...LOL....

I had fun making it, I'm sure Mr.Teacup did as well....(I hope).
Some of other interesting videos are now up on youtube,
which all were suppose to be related to e-marketing, which if you search youtube by "mkf3881" as keyword, I'm sure you'd find many of them very interesting.

Well, enjoy the video, another blog should be up soon

: )


  1. Would it be better for Red Bull if The GO Cart is famous, and everytimes we buy Red Bull to cheat on the Exam, we will receive online $$$ to gear up out Cart?....Lol

  2. Hahahaa.. You guys sure did an excellent job at making me laugh! It's a great way of showing how Red Bull uses social media without actually saying too much. Too bad the picture was a bit blur.

  3. Yes, I truly did had a great fun :) very great new experience.

    Thanks for every comment!
