Saturday, October 2, 2010


Nowadays, walking around anywhere, you will see people txting, calling each other, or facebooking, tweeting etc etc etc, using their mobile phones. Some of the terms that we might be familiar with 
"I'll *txt* you tonight", "what's your BB pin?", "hey! have you download that new app?". 

See how we love to stay connected much? How we see the importance of mobile phone these days. It keeps us connect to each other, allow us to be updated with the world around us.

iPhone is one of my favourite smartphones. So, I've found some interesting stats on the popularity of iPhone, US stats though, but it still shows us how popular it is. So I think I should share these with you guys : )

What do you think?
When I saw this I was like "wow...."

Next blog is one of the blog I look forward to write about it.
Hope you also find this interesting. By the way, there's also a Bigger Version here.

Source: Mashable

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